TOXOPHI- LVS. f THE SECONDE BOOKE OF the fchole of fhotyng. L What is the cheyfe poynte in fhootynge, that euerye manne laboureth to come to ? 2T0X, To hyt the marke. 3PJU Howe manye thynges are required to make a man euer more hyt the marke ? Twoo. ji. Whichetwoo? x, Shotinge flreyght and kepynge of a lengthe. L Howe Ihoulde a manne fhoote flrayght, and howe Ihulde a man kepe a length ? 2t0x, In knowynge and hauynge thinges, belongynge to fhootyng: and whan they be knowen and had, in well handlynge of them: whereof fonie belong to fhotyng ftrayght, fome to keping of a length, fome commonly to them bothe, as mall be tolde feuerally of them, in place conuenient. pfji. Thynges belongyng to ihotyng, whyche be they? 2C0X. All thinges be outwarde, and fome be inftru-