of j$Tj00rais. 107 mentes for euery fere archer to brynge with him, proper for his owne vfe: other thynges be general! to euery man, as the place and tyme ferueth. •Pfjl Which be inftrumentes ? Bracer, fhotynggloue, ftryng, bowe and fhafte. Whiche be general to all men ? SC0X. The wether and the marke, yet the marke is euer vnder the rule of the wether, •|PIji. Wherin ftandeth well handlynge of thynges ? 2C0X* All togyther wythin a man him felfe, fome handlynge is proper to inftrumentes, fome to the wether, fomme to the marke, fome is within a man hym felfe. 3J3fji. What handlyng is proper to the Inftrumentes ? StdX, Standynge, nockyng, drawyng, holdyng, low- fmg, wherby commeth fayre fhotynge, whiche neyther belong to wynde nor wether, nor yet to the marke, for in a rayne and at no marke, a man may mote a fayre Ihoote. !||J)i, Well fayde, what handlynge belongeth to the wether ? 5C0X, Knowyng of his wynde, with hym, agaynft hym, fyde wynd, ful fyde wind, fyde wynde quartei with him, fyde wynde quarter agaynfte hym, and fo forthe. •JfJIji, Well than go to, what handlynge belongeth to the marke ? 5T0X, To marke his ftandyng, to fhote compaffe, to draw euermore lyke, to lowfe euermore lyke, to con- fyder the nature of the pricke, in hylles and dales, in ilrayte planes and winding places, and alfo to efpy his marke. pfjf. Very well done. And what is onely within a man hym felfe ? 3H0X, Good heede gyuynge, and auoydynge all affections: whiche thynges oftentymes do marre and make all. And thefe thynges fpoken of me generally and brefely, yf they be wel knowen, had, and handled,