ro8 mail brynge a man to fuchc fhootyngc, as fevve or none euer yet came vnto, but furely yf he miffe in any one of them, he can neuei hyt the marke, and in the more he doth miffe, the farther he fhoteth from his marke. But as in all other matters the fyrft fteppe or flayre to be good, is to know a mannes faulte, and than to amende it, and he that wyl not knowe his faulte, mail neuer amende it. •Jftyf. You fpeake now Toxophile, euen as I wold haue you to fpeake : But lette vs returne agayne vnto our matter, and thofe thynges whyche you haue packed vp, in fo fhorte a roume, we wyll lowfe them forthe, and take euery pyece as it were in our hande and looke more narowlye vpon it. 2Dxc. I am content, but we wyll rydde them as faft as we can, bycaufe the funne goeth fo fafle downe, and yet fomewhat mufte needes be fayde of euerye one of them. ^fyt. Well fayde, and I trowe we beganne wyth thofe thynges whiche be inflrumentes, whereof the fyrfle, as I fuppofe, was the Brafer. 2C0x. Litle is to be fayd of the brafer. A bracer ferueth for two caufes, one to faue his arme from the ilrype of the ftrynge, and his doublet from weaiynge, and the other is, that the ftrynge glydynge fharpelye and quicklye of the bracer, may make the fharper fhoote. For if the flrynge fhoulde lyght vpon the bare fleue, the flrengthe of the fhoote fhoulde ftoppe and dye there. But it is beft by my iudgemente, to gyue the bowe fomuche bent, that the ftrynge neede neuer touche a mannes arme, and fo fhoulde a man nede no bracer as I knowe manye good Archers, whiche occupye none. In a bracer a man mufte take hede of. iii. thinges, yat it haue no nayles in it, that it haue no bucles, that it be faft on with laces wythout agglettes. For the nayles wyll fhere in funder, a mannes firing, before he be ware, and fo put his bowe in ieoperdy: Buckles and agglettes at vnwares, fliall race hys bowe, a thinge bothe euyll to the fyghte, and perilous for freatynge. And thus a