fhal not hold the nock fo fail as they did. The fliootyng gloue hath a purfe whych fliall ferue to put fine linen cloth and wax in, twoo neceffary thynges for a fhooter, fome men vfe gloues or other fuche lyke thyng on their bow hand for chafyng, becaufe they houlde fo harde. But that commeth commonlye, when a bowe is not rounde, but fomewhat fquare, fine waxe fliall do verye well in fuch a cafe to laye where a man holdeth his bow : and thus muche as concernynge your gloue. And thefe thynges althoughe they be trifles, yet bycaufe you be but a yonge ihoter, I woulde not leue them out. $ {ft* And fo you fhal do me moofl pleafure : The firing I trow be the next. Stax, The nexte in dede. A thing though it be lytle, yet not a litle to be regarded. But here in you mufte be contente to put youre nge' trufle in honefl ftringers. And furely flringers ought more diligently to be looked vpon by the officers than ether bower or fletcher, bycaufe they may deceyue a a fimple man the more eafelyer. And ill flringe brekethe many a good bowe, nor no other thynge halfe fo many. In warre if a firing breke the man is lofte and is no man, for his weapon is gone, and althoughe he haue two flringes put one at once, yet he fliall haue fmall leafure and leffe roume to bend his bow, therfore god fend vs good flringers both for war' and peace. Now what a flringe ought to be made on, whether of good hempe as they do now a dayes, or of flaxe or of filke, I leaue that to the iugemente of flringers, of whome we mufle bye them on. Euftathius , f Eustathms apon this verfe of horn ere. Twang quoth the bow, and twang quoth out quicklie the Jhaft flue. Iliad. ± doeth tel, that in oulde tyme they made theyr bowe fliynges of bullox thermes, whiche they twyned to- gither as they do ropes, and therfore they made a great twange. Bowe flrynges alfo hath bene made of the heare of an horfe tayle called for the matter of