38. thefe. But a gayne in ftringynge youre bowe, you muft loke for muche bende or lytle bende for they be • cleane contrarye. The lytle bende hath but one commoditie, whyche* is in Ihootyng fafter and farther fhoote, and ye caufe therof is, bycaufe the ftrynge hath fo far a paffage, or it parte wyth the lhafte. The greate bende hath many commodities: for it maketh eafyer fhootynge the bowe: beyng halfe drawen afore. It needeth no bracer, for' the ftrynge ftoppeth before it come at the arme. It' wyl not fo fone hit a mannes ileue or other geare, by-' the fame reafon: It hurteth not the fhaft fedder, as. the lowe bende doeth. It fuifereth a man better to * efpye his marke. Therfore lette youre bowe haue good byg bend, a lhaftemente and. ii. fyngers at the leaft, for thefe which I haue fpoken of. Pfjt, The brafer, gloue, and ftrynge, be done, nowe you muile come to the bowe, the chefe inftrument of all. Bowe', 3t0£, Dyuers countryes and tymes haue vfed alwayes * dyuers bowes, and of dyuers famions. Home bowes are vfed in fome places nowe, and were vfed alfo in Homerus dayes, for Pan- ' darus bowe, the befl fhooter among al the ^ »4- s Troianes, was made of two Goete homes ioyned to- * gyther, the lengthe wherof fayth Homer, was. xvi hand-» bredes, not far differing from the lengthe of our bowes. Scripture maketh mention of braffe bowes. Iron bowes, and ftyle bowes, haue m'*'* bene of longe tyrae, and alfo nowe are vfed among' the Turkes, but yet they muft. nedes be vnprofitable. For yf braffe, yron or ftyle, haue theyr owne ftrength - and pith in them, they be farre aboue mannes ftrength: yf they be made meete for mannes ftrengthe, theyr pithe is nothyng worth to fhoote any fhoote wyth all. , The Ethiopians had bowes of palme tre, whiche; feemed to be very ftronge, but we haue none experience of them. The lengthe of er°"m ** i was. iiuVcubites, The men of Inde had theyr