bo\ves tnade of a rede, whiche was of a great flrengthe And no maruayle though bowe and fhaftes were made thereof, for the redes be fo great in Inde, as Herodotus fayth, that, of euery ioynte of a rede, a man may make a fylhers bote. Thefe bowes, fayeth Arrianus in Alexanders lyfe,gaue fo greataftroke, that no hartleys or buckler though it were r n 11 ^ n ji -^ rn-\ Arrianus. 8- neuer fo flrong, could wythiland it. The length of fuche a bowe, was euen wyth the length of hym, that vfed it. The Lycians vfed bowes made _ n . f . n j • T , /-* / -fa Polym. of a tree, called in Latyn Cornus, (as con- cernyng the name of it in Englifh, I can foner proue that other men call it falfe, than I can tell the rigkt name of it my felfe) this wood is as harde as home, and very fit for ihaftes, as fhall be toulde after. Quid fheweth that Syringa the Nymphe, , - ., ,J &r -TV- 1 j Metamor. i. and one of the maydens of Diana, had a bowe of this wood whereby the poete meaneth, that it was verye excellent to make bowes of. As for brafell, Elrae, Wych, and Affhe, experience doth proue them to be but meane for bowes, and fo to conclude Ewe of all other thynges, is that, wherof perfite fhootyng woulde haue a bowe made. Thys woode as it is nowe generall and common amonges Englyfhe men, fo hath it contlnewed from longe tyme and had in moofl price for bowes, amonges the Romaynes, as doth apere in this halfe verfe of Vyrgill. Taxi torquentur in amis. Virgilius. i. Ewe fit for a bowe to be made on. Nowe as i faye, a bowe of Ewe mufl be hadde for perfecle fhootinge at the prickes \ whiche marke, by- caufe it is certayne, and mofte certaine rules may be gynen of it, fhall ferue for our communication, at this time. A good bowe is knowen, much what as good counfayle is knowen, by the ende and proofe of it, and yet bothe a bowe and good counfell, maye be made bothe better and worfe, by well or vll handlynge H