of them: as oftentymes chaunceth. And as a man both mufle and wyll take counfell, of a wyfe and honefte man, though he fe not the ende of it, fo mull a fhooter of neceffitie, trufte an honeft and good bowyer for a bowe, afore he knowe the proofe of it. And as a wyfe man wyll take plentye of counfel afore hand what foeuer need, fo a fhooter fhulde haue alwayes. iii. or. iiii. bowes, in ftore, what fo euer chaunce. Plji. But if I trufte bowyers alwayes, fometyme I am lyke to be deceyued. 2Eox. Therefore mail I tell you fome tokens in a bowe, that you fhal be the feeldomer deceyued. If you come into a fhoppe, and fynde a bowe that is fcnall, long, heauy and ftrong, lyinge ft[r]eyght, not windyng, not marred with knot, gaule, wyndefhake, wem, freate or pynche, bye that bowe of my warrant. The befte colour of a bowe yat I fynde, is whan the backe and the bellye in woorkynge, be muche what after one maner, for fuch oftentymes in wearyng, do proue lyke virgin wax or golde, hauynge a fine longe grayne, euen from the one ende of the bowe, to the other: the fliort graine although fuche proue well fomtyme, are for ye moft parte, very brittle. Of the makynge of the bowe, I wyll not greatly meddle, lefle I fhoulde feeme to enter into an other mannes occu- pation, whyche I can no fkyll of. Yet I woulde defyre all bowyers to feafon theyr ftaues well, to woorke them and fynke them well, to giue them heetes con- uenient, and tyllerynges plentye. For thereby they fhoulde bothe get them felues a good name, (And a good name encreafeth a mannes profyte mudie) and alfo do greate commodite to the hole Realme. If any men do offend in this poynte, I am afrayde they be thofe iourny men whiche labour more fpedily to make manye bowes for theyr owne monye fake, than they woorke dilligently to make good bowes, for the common welth fake, not layinge before theyr eyes, thys wyfe prouerbe. Soneynought if'welynough*