> 115 Wherwyth euere honefl handye craftes man Ihuld meafure, as it were wyth a rule, his worke withal. He that is a iourney man, and rydeth vpon an other mannes horfe, yf he ryde an honefl pace, no manne wyll dyfalowe hym : But yf he make Pofte hafte, bothe he that oweth the horfe, and he peradtienture alfo that afterwarde fhal bye the horfe, may chaunce to curfe hym. Suche haflineffe I am afrayde, maye alfo be found amonges fome of them, whych through out ye Realme in diuerfe places worke ye kinges Artillane for war, thinkynge yf they get a bowe or a fheafe of arrowes to fome famlon, they be good ynough for bearynge gere. And thus that weapon whiche is the chiefe defence of the Realme, verye ofte doth lytle feruyce to hym that fhoulde vfe it, bycaufe it is fo negligentlye wrought of him that Ihuld make it, when trewlye I fuppofe that nether ye bowe can be to good and chefe woode, nor yet to well feafoned or truly made, wyth hetynges and tillerynges, nether that ihafte to good wood or to thorowely wrought, with the beft pinion fedders that can be gotten, wherwith a man fhal ferue his prince, defende his countrie, and faue hym felfe frome his enemye. And I truft no man wyll be angrye wyth me for fpekynge thus, but thofe which finde them felfe touched therin: which ought rather to be angiye wyth them felfe for doynge fo, than to be mifcontent wyth me for faynge fo. And in no cafe they ought to be difpleafed wyth me, feinge this is fpoken alfo after that forte, not for the notynge of anye perfon feuerallye, but for the amendynge of euerye one generallye. But turne we agayne to knowe a good fhootynge bowe for cure purpofe. Euerye bowe is made eyther of a boughe, of a plante or of the boole of the tree. The boughe commonlye is verye knotty, and full of pinnes, weak, of fmall pithe, and fone wyll folowe the ftringe, and feldome werith to any fayre coloure, yet for chyldren and yonge beginners it maye ferue well ynoughe. The plante proueth many tunes wel, yf it be of a good and clene groweth, and for