a bow, which fhal both than pleafe me very wel whan I by him, and be alfo very fit and meete for me whan I Ihoote in hym: fo that he be both weake ynoughe for eafye fhootynge, and alfo quycke and fpedye ynoughe for farre caftynge, than I woulde thynke I mail nede no more bufmerTe wyth him, but be con- tente wyth hym, and vfe hym well ynoughe, and fo by that meanes, auoyde bothe greate trouble, and alfo fome coft whiche you cunnynge archers very often put your felues vnto, beynge verye Englyfhe men, neuer ceafynge piddelynge about your bowe and maftes whan they be well, but eyther with fhortyng and pik- ynge your bowes, or els with newe fetheryng, peeo ynge and headinge your maftes, can neuer haue done vntyll they be ilarke nought. &0x. Wel Philologe, furelye if I haue any iudge- ment at all in fhootyng, it is no very great good token in a bowe, whereof nothyng whan it is newe and freffhe, nede be cutte away, euen as Cicero fayeth of a yonge mannes wit and ftyle, which you knowe better than I. For euerye newe thynge mufLe alwayes haue more than it neadeth, or elles it wyll not waxe better and better, but euer decaye, and be worfe and worfe. Newe ale if it runne not ouer the barrell whan it is newe tunned, wil fone leafe his pith, and his head afore he be longe drawen on. And lyke wyfe as that colte whyche at the fyrfte takynge vp, nedeth lytle breakyng and handlyng, but is fitte and gentle ynoughe for the faddle, feeldome or neuer proueth well, euen fo that bowe whyche at the fyrfte byinge, wythout any more proofe and trim- mynge, is fit and eafie to fhoote in, Ihall neyther be profitable to laile longe nor yet pleafaunt to fhoote well. And therfore as. a younge horfe full of corage, wyth handlynge and breakmge, is brought vnto a fure pace and goynge, fo fhall a newe bowe freffhe and quicke of cafle, by finkyng and cuttyng, be brought to a fledfaft ihootyng. And an eafie and gentle bow whan it is newe, is not muche vnlyke a fofte fpiriter]