$%t tfdjflle 0f tyaati tig. 119 bycaufe it is without the nature of fhoot- ynge, or els I fhoulde truble me wyth Bowc^e- other thinges infinite more : yet feing it is a fauegarde for the bowe, fomethynge I wyll faye of it) youre bowe- cafe I faye, yf you ryde forth, mufle neyther be to wyde for youre bowes, for fo fhall one clap vpon an other, and hurt them, nor yet fo flrayte that fcarfe they can be thrufl in, for that woulde laye them on fyde and wynde them. A bowecafe of ledder, is not the beft, for that is ofttymes moyfte which hurteth the bowes very much. Therfore I haue fene good mooters which would haue for euerye bowe, a fere cafe made of wollen clothe, and than you maye putte. iii. or. iiii. of them fo cafed, into a ledder cafe if you wyll. This wollen cafe mall bothe kepe them in funder, and alfo wylle kepe a bowe in his full flrengthe, that it neuer gyue for any wether. At home thefe wood cafes be verye good for bowes to fland in. But take hede yat youre bowe ftande not to nere a ftone wall, for that wyll make hym moyfte and weke, nor yet to nere any ner for that wyll make him fhorte and brittle. And thus muche as concernyng the fauyng and keping of our bowe; nowe you mail heare what thynges ye muft auoyde, for feare of breakyng your bowe. A fhooter chaunfeth to breake his bowe commonly, iiii. wayes, by the flrynge, by the fhafte, by draw- yng to far, and by freates; By the flryng as I fayde afore, whan the flrynge is eyther to fhorte, to long, not furely put on, wyth one wap, or put croked on, or morne in fundre wyth an euell nocke, or fuffered to tarye ouer longe on. Whan the ftryng fayles the bowe mufle nedes breake, and fpecially in the myddes; becaufe bothe the endes haue nothyng to flop them; but whippes fo far backe, that the belly muft nedes violentlye rife vp, the whyche you mall well perceyue in bendyng of a bowe backward. Therfore a bowe that foloweth the flrynge is leaft hurt with breakyng of flrynges. By the fhafte a bowe is broken ether when it is to fhort, and fo you fet it in your bow or when