121 well commynge as where it pinched, and fo the pinches ihall dye, and neuer encreafe farther in to great freates. Freates begynne many tymes in a pin, for there the good woode is corrupted, that it mufle nedes be weke, and bycaufe it is weake, therfore it freates. Good bowyers therfore do rayfe euery pyn and alowe it moore woode for feare of freatynge. Agayne bowes mooft commonlye freate vnder the hande, not fo muche as fome men fuppofe for the moiftneffe of the hande, as for the heete of the hand : the nature of heate fayeth ArifLotle is to lowfe, and not to knyt faft, and the more lowfer the more weaker, the weaker, the redier to freate. A bowe is not well made, whych hath not wood plentye in the hande. For yf the endes of the bowe be ftaffyfhe, or a mans hande any thynge hoote the bellye muft nedes fone frete. Remedie for fretes to any purpofe I neuer hard tell of any, but onelye to make the freated place as ftronge or flronger then any other. To fill vp the freate with lytle meuers of a quill and glewe (as fome fay wyll do wel) by reafon mufL be ftarke nought. For, put cafe the freete dyd ceafe then, yet the caufe which made it freate a fore (and that is weakeneffe of the place) bicaufe it is not taken away muft nedes make it freate agayne. As for cuttyng out of freates wythe all maner of pecynge of bowes I wyll cleane ex- clude from perfite fhootynge. For peced bowes be muche lyke owlde houfen, whyche be more chargeable to repayre, than commodioufe to dwell in. Agayne to fwadle a bowe much about wyth bandes, verye feldome dothe anye good, excepte it be to kepe downe a fpel in the backe, otherwyfe bandes eyther nede not when the bow is any thinge worthe, or els boote not when it is marde and paft beft. And although I knowe meane and poore {hooters, wyll vfe peced and banded bowes fometyme bycaufe they are not able to get better when they woulde, yet I am fure yf they confyder it well, they mail fynde it, bothe leffe charge