33. Affhe. Ooke. Sends tree. Hulder. Blackthorae. Beche. Elder. Afpe. Salow. Thefe wooddes as they be moft commonly vfed, fo they be moofle fit to be vfed : yet fome one fytter then an other for diuers mennes fhotinge, as fhalbe toulde afterwarde. And in this pointe as in a bowe you mufle trufle an honeft fletcher, Neuertheleffe al thoughe I can not teache you to make a bowe or a fhafte, whiche belongeth to a bowyer and a fletcher to comme to theyr lyuyng, yet wyll I fhewe you fome tokens to knowe a bowe and a fhafte, whiche per- tayneth to an Archer to come to good fhootynge. A ftele mufle be well feafoned for Caftinge, and it muft be made as the grayne lieth and as it groweth or els it wyl neuer flye clene, as clothe cut ouertwhart and agaynfte the wulle, can neuer hoofe a manne cleane. A knottye ftele maye be fuffered in a bygge fhafte, but for a lytle fhafte it is nothynge fit, bothe bycaufe it wyll neuer flye far, and befydes that it is euer in danger of breakynge. it flieth not far bycaufe the ftrengthe of the fhoote is hindred and flopped at the knotte, euen as a flone cafl in to a plaine euen flil water, wyll make the water moue a greate fpace, yet yf there be any whirlynge plat in the water, the mouynge ceafethe when it commethe at the whyrlynge plat, whyche is not muche vnlyke a knotte in a fhafte yf it be confidered wel. So euery thyng as it is plaine and flreight of hys owne nature fo is it fittefl for far mouynge. Therfore a flele whyche is harde to flande in a bowe, without knotte, and ftreighte (I meane not artificiallve flreyghte as the fletcher dothe make it? but