of 125 naturally flreight as it groweth in the wood) Is befl to make a fhaft of, eyther to go clean e, fly Jaf£-oi'fland furely in any wedder. Now howe bigJaeWmiall, how heuye, how lyght, how longe, hc^tert, a mafte fhoulde be par- ticularlye for euer^rnan (feynge we mufl taulke of the generallnature^oflhootyng) can not be toulde no more than you Rhethoricians can appoynt any one kynde of wordes, of fentences, of fygures fyt for euery matter, but euen as the man and the matter requyreth fo the fyttefl to be vfed. Therfore as concernynge thofe contraryes in a mafte, euery man mufle auoyde them and draw to the meane of them, whyche meane is beft in al thynges. Yet yf a man happen to offende in any of the extremes it is better to offend in want and fcantneffe, than in to muche and outragioufe exceedynge. As it is better to haue a mafte a lytle to Ihorte than ouer longe, fome what to lyght, than ouer lumpyffhe, a lytle to fmall, than a greate deale to big, whiche thyng is not onely trewlye fayde in Ihootynge, but in all other thynges that euer man goeth aboute, as in eatynge, taulkynge, and all other thynges lyke, whych matter was onfe excellentlye difputed vpon, in the Scooles, you knowe when. And to offend, in thefe contraryes commeth much yf men take not hede, throughe the kynd of wood, wherof the lhaft is made : Ffor fome wood belonges to ye excedyng part, fome to ye fcant part, fome to ye meane, as Brafell, Turkiewood, Fuflicke, Sugar chefle, and fuch lyke, make deade, heuy lumpilh, hobblyng Ihaftes. Againe Hulder, black thorn e, Serues tree, Beche, Elder, Afpe, and Salowe, eyther for theyr wekenes or lyghteneffe, make holow, ftarting, ftudding, gaddynge lhaftes. But Birche, Hardbeme, fome Ooke, and fome Affhe, beynge bothe flronge ynoughe to ilande in a bowe, and alfo lyght ynoughe to flye far, are befL for a meane, whiche is to be foughte oute in euery thinge. And althoughe I knowe that fome men fhoote fo Uronge, that the deade woodes be lyghte ynoughe for them, and other fome