126 fifoyfljpljtfatf, 33, fo weeke, that the lowfe woodes be lykewyfe for them bigge ynoughe yet generally for the mo oft parte of men, the meane is the beft. And fo to conclude that, is alwayes befte for a man, which e is meteft for him. Thus no wood of his owne nature, is eyther to lyght or to heuy, but as the fhooter is him felfe whyche dothe vfe it. For that ihafte whiche one yeare for a man is to lyghte and fcuddinge, for the fame felfe man the next yeare may chaunce be to heuy and hobblynge. Therfore can not I expreffe, excepte generally, what is beft wood for a fliaft, but let euery man when he knoweth his owne ftrength and the nature of euery wood, prouyde and fyt himfelfe there- after. Yet as concerning fheaffe Arroufe for war (as I fuppofe) it were better to make them of good Affhe, and not of Afpe, as they be now a dayes. For of all other woodes that euer I proued Affhe being big is fwifteft and agayne heuy to giue a greate ftripe with all, whyche Afpe fhall not doo. What heuynes doth in a flripe euery man by experience can tell, therfore Affhe being both fwyfter and heuier is more fit for flieafe Arroes then Afpe, and thus muche for the beft wood for fhaftes. Agayne lykewyfe as no one wood can be greatlye meet for all kynde of Ihaftes, no more can one facion of the ftele be fit for euery ihooter. For thofe that be lytle brefted and big toward the hede called by theyr lykeneffe taperfafhion, reflie growne, and of fome merrye fellowes bobtayles, be fit for them whiche fliote vnder hande bycaufe they flioote wyth a fofte Jowfe, and ftreffes not a fliaft muche in the brefle where the weyghte of the bowe lyethe as you maye perceyue by the werynge of euery fliafte. Agayne the bygge brefted Ihafte is fytte for hym, which fhoteth right afore him, or els the breft being weke fhoulde neuer wythftande that ftrong piththy kynde of Ihootynge, thus the vnderhande muft haue a fmall brefte, to go cleane awaye oute of the bowe, the forehande mufte haue a bigge brefte to bere the