great myghte of the bowe. The fhafte mufl be made rounde nothynge flat wyth out gal or wemme, for thys purpofe. For bycaufe roundneffe (whether you take example in heauen or in earthe) is fitteft ihappe and forme both for fail mouing and alfo for fone percynge of any thynge. And therfore Ariftotle fay the that nature hath made the raine to be round, bycaufe it fhoulde the eafelyer enter throughe the ayre. The nocke of the fhafte is dyuerfly made, for fome be greate and full, fome hanfome and lytle, fome wyde, fome narow, fome depe, fome fhalowe, fome round, fome longe, fome wyth one nocke, fome wyth a double nocke, wherof euery one hathe hys propertye. The greate and full nocke, maye be well felte, and many wayes they faue a fhafte from brekynge. The hanfome and lytle nocke wyll go clene awaye frome the hand, the wyde nocke is noughte, both for breakyng of the fhafte and alfo for foden flyppynge oute of the flrynge when the narrowe nocke doth auoyde bothe thofe harmes. The depe and longe nocke is good in warre for fure kepyng in of the flrynge. The fhalow, and rownde nocke is befl for our purpofe in prickyng for cleane delyueraunce of a fhoote. And double nockyng is vfed for double fuerty of the fhaft. And thus far as concernynge a hoole flele. Peecynge of a fhafte with brafell and holie, or other heauy woodes, is to make the ende compaffe heauy with the fethers in fliyng, for the fledfafter fhotyng. For if the ende were plumpe heauy wyth lead and the wood nexte it lyghte, the head ende woulde euer be downwardes, and neuer flye flrayght Two poyntes in peecing be ynough, left the moyilnes of the earthe enter to moche into the peecinge, and fo leufe the glue. Therefore many poyntes be more pleafaunt to the eye, than profitable for the vfe. Summe vfe to peece theyr fhaftes in the nocke wyth brafel, or holye, to counterwey, with the head, and I haue fene fumme for the fame purpofe, bore an hole a