128 lytle bineth the nocke, and put leade in it. But yet none of thefe wayes be anye thing needful at al, for ye nature of a fether in flying, if a man marke it wel, is able to bear vp a wonderful weyght: and I thinke fuche peecing came vp firft, thus: whan a good Archer hath broken a good ihafte, in the fethers, and for the fantafie he hath had to it, he is lothe to leefe it, and therfore doeth he peece it. And than by and by other eyther bycaufe it is gaye, or elles becaufe they wyll haue a fliafte lyke a good archer, cutteth theyre hole Ihaftes, and peeceth them agayne: A thynge by my iudgement, more colUye than nedefull. And thus haue you heard what wood, what faffhion, what nockynge, what peecyngeaftele mufte haue: No we foloweth the fetherynge. fflji. I woulde neuer haue thought you could haue fayd halfe fo muche of a ftele, and I thynke as con- cernyng the litle fether and the playne head, there is but lytle to faye. 2C0& Lytle, yes trulye: for there is no one thing, in al Ihoting, fo moche to be loked on as the fether. For fyrfte a queftion maye be afked, whether any other thing befyde a fether, be fit for a mart or no ? if a fether onelye be fit, whether a goofe fether onely, or no ? yf a goofe fether be befl, then whether there be any difference, as concernynge the fether of an oulde goofe, and a yonge goofe : a gander, or a goofe: a fennye goofe, or an vplandiih goofe. Againe which is beft fether in any goofe, the ryght wing or the left wing, the pinion fether, or any other fether: a whyte, blacke, or greye fether ? Thirdly, in fettyng on of your fether, whether it be pared or drawen with a thicke rybbe, or a thinne rybbe (the rybbe is ye hard quill whiche deuydeth the fether) a long fether better or a fhorte, fet on nere the nocke, or farre from the nocke, fet on flreight, or fom what bowyng? and whether one or two fethers runneon the bowe. Fourthly in couling or ftieryng, whether high or lowe, whether fomewhat fwyne backed (I mufLe vfe