130 profyte, thus for our purpofe, the Goofe is beft fethei, for the bell fhoter. Pfyl No that is not fo, for the beft fhoter that euer was vfed other fethers. 3C0x. Ye are fo cunninge in ihootynge I praye you who was that. •pfju Hercules whyche had hys ihaftes Hesbd.« fethered with Egles fethers as Hefiodus Scuto- H^ dothe faye. SCax* Well as for Hercules, feynge nether water nor lande, heauen nor hell, coulde fcarfe contente hym to abyde in, it was no meruell thoughe a fely poore goufe fether could not plefe him to fhoote wythal, and agayne as for Egles they flye fo hye and builde fo far of, yat they be very hard to come by. Yet welfare the gentle goufe which bringeth to a man euen to hys doore fo manye excedynge commodities. ouse* For the goufe is mans comforte in war and in peace flepynge and wakynge. What prayfe fo euer is gyuen to fhootynge the goufe may chalenge the befte parte in it. How well dothe Ihe make a man fare at his table ? Howe eafelye dothe me make a man lye in hys bed ? How fit euen as her fethers be onelye for fhootynge, fo be her quylles fytte onelye for wrytyng. $1)110* In deade Toxophyle that is the befte prayfe you gaue to a goufe yet, and furelye I would haue fayde you had bene to blame yf you had ouerfkypte it 2C0X. The Romaynes I trowe Philologe not fo muche bycaufe a goufe wyth cryinge faued theyr Capitolium and head toure wyth their golden lupiter as Propertius doth fay very pretely in thys verfe. Anferis et tutum uocefuifTt louem. _, IdefL . Propertius Thtues on a night hadftolne lupiter, had a goufe not a kekede. Dyd make a golden goufe and fet hir in the top of ye Capitolium, and appoynted alfo the Cen- Liuius r. fores to alow out of ye common hutche Dec- *• yearly ftipendes for ye findinge of certayne Geefe, ye Romaynes did not I faye giue al thys honor to a goufe