of Ranting, 131 for yat good dede onely, but for other infinit mo which comme dayly to a man byn Geefe, and furely yf I mould declame in ye prayfe of any maner of befte lyuyng, I would chofe a goufe, But the goufe hath made vs flee to farre from oure matter. Nowe fir ye haue hearde howe a fether muft be had, and that a goofe fether onely. It foloweth of a yong gofe and an oulde, and the refidue belonging to a fether: which thing I wyll fhortlye courfe ouer: wherof, when you knowe the properties, you maye fitte your ihaftes accordyng to your fhotyng, which rule you muft obferue in all other thynges too, bycaufe no one falhion or quantitie can be fitte for euery man, no more than a fhooe or a cote can be. The oulde goofe fether is flyffe and ftronge, good for a wynde, and fytteft for a deed fhaft: the yonge goofe fether is weake and fyne, befl for a fwyfte fhaft, and it mufl be couled at the firfl fhering, fomewhat hye, for with fhoting, it wyll fattle and faule very moche. The fame thing (although not fo moche) is to be con- fydered in a goofe and a gander. A fenny goofe, euen as her flefh is blacker, floorer, vnholfomer, fo is her fether for the fame caufe courier floorer and rougher, and therfore I haue heard very good fletchers faye, that the feconde fether in fome place is better then the pinion in other fome. Betwixt the wmges is lytle difference, but that you muft haue diuerfe fhaftes of one flight, fethered with diuerfe winges, for diuerfe windes: for if the wynde and the fether go both one way the fhaft wyl] be caryed to moche. The pinion fethers as it hath the firfle place ^in the winge, fo it hath the fyrft place in good fetheringe. You maye knowe it afore it be pared, by a bought whiche is in it, and agayne when it is colde, by the thinneffe aboue, and the thickneffe at the grounde, and alfo by the flifnes and fineffe which wyll cary a fhaft better, fafler and further, euen as a fine fayle cloth doth a fhyppe. The coulour of the fether is lefte to be regarded,