133 Cfljtfjpfjtlutf, 33. yet fommewhat to "be looked on: for a good whyte, you haue fometyme an yll greye. Yet furelye it flandeth with good reafon to haue the cocke father black or greye, as it were to gyue a man warning to nocke ryght. The cocke fether is called that which flandeth aboue in ryght nocking, which if you do not obferue the other fethers mufl nedes run on the bowe, and fo marre your fhote. And thus farre of the goodneffe and choyfe of your fether: now foloweth the fetting on. Wherin you muft looke that your fethers be not drawen for haflinefTe, but pared euen and ftreyghte with diligence. The fletcher draweth a fether when he hath but one fwappe at it with his knyfe, and then playneth it a lytle, with rubbynge it ouer his knyfe. He pareth it when he taketh leyfure and hede to make euery parte of the ryb apt to ftand flreight, and euen on vpon the flele. This thing if a man take not heede on, he maye chaunce haue caufe to faye fo of his fletcher, as in dreffmge of meate is communelye fpoken of Cookes: and that is, that God fendeth vs good fethers, but the deuyll noughtie Fletchers. Yf any fletchers heard me faye thus, they wolde not be angrye with me, excepte they were yll fletchers: and yet by reafon, thofe fletchers too, ought rather to amend them felues for doing yll, then be angry with me for faying truth. The ribbe in a ftyffe fether may be thinner, for fo it wyll ftande cleaner on : but in a weake fether you mufl leaue a thicker ribbe, or els yf the ryb which is the foundacion and grounde, wherin nature hath fet euerye clefte of the fether, be taken to nere the fether, it mufte nedes folowe, that the fether fhall faule, and droupe downe, euen as any herbe doeth whyche hath his roote to nere taken on with a fpade. The lengthe and fhortneffe of the fether, ferueth for diuers fhaftes, as a long fether for a long heauy, or byg fhafte, the fhorte fether for the contrary. Agayne the fhorte may flande farther, the longe nerer the nocke. Youre fether mufle flande almoofle ftreyght on, but yet after that forte, yat it maye turne