grfjcfc nf jSljafltttts, 133 rounde in flyinge. And here I confider the wonder- full nature of fhootynge, whicheftandeth all togytherby that falhion, which is mofte apte for quicke mouynge, and that is by roundeneffe. For firfle the bowe mufl be gathered rounde, in drawyng it mufl come rounde com- paffe, the flrynge mufle be rounde, the ftele rounde, the bell nocke rounde, the feather fhorne fomwhat rounde, the fliafte in flyenge, mufle turne rounde, and if it flye far, it flyeth a rounde compace. For eyther aboue or benethe a rounde compace, hyndereth the flyinge. Moreouer bothe the fletcher in makynge your mafte, and you in nockynge your fhafte, mufle take heede that two fethers equallye runne on the bowe. For yf one fether runne alone on the bowe, it fhal quickely be worne, and mall not be able to matclie with the other fethers, and agayne at the lowfe, yf the fhafte be lyght, it wyl flarte, if it be heuye, it wil hoble. And thus as concernyng fettyng on of your fether, Nowe of coulynge. To mere a fhafte hyghe or lowe, mufle be as the fhafte is; heauy or lyght, great or lytle, long or fhort. The fwyne backed fafhion, maketh the fhaft deader, for it gather eth more ayer than the fad die backed, and therfore the faddle backe is furer for daunger of wether, and fitter for fmothe fliing. Agayn to fhere a fhaft rounde, as they were wount fomtime to do, or after the triangle falhion, whyche is muche vfed nowe a dayes, bothe be good. For roundneffe is apte for fliynge of his owne nature, and al maner of triangle fafhion, (the Iharpe poynte goyng before) is alfo naturally apte for quycke entrynge, and therfore fayth Cicero, that cranes taught by nature, ob- De ^ d^ ferue in flyinge a triangle fafhion alwayes, bycaufe it is fo apte to perce and go thorowe the ayer wythalL Lafle of all pluckynge of fethers is noughte, for there is no fuerty in it, therfore let euery archer haue fuch fhaftes, that he maye bothe knowe them and trull them at euery chaunge of wether. Yet if they mufl nedes be plucked, plucke them as litle as