136 they flewe ritche Craffus and his fonne vfed brode Arrowe heades, whyche ftacke fo fore that the Romaynes could not poule them out agayne. Corn- modus the Emperoure vfed forked heades, whofe facion Herodiane doeth lyuely and ero ia*I naturally defcribe, fayinge that they were lyke the map of a new mone wherwyth he would finite of the heade of abirde and neuer miffe, other facion of heades haue not I red on. Our Englyfhe heades be better in war than eyther forked heades, or brode arrowe heades. For mile the ende beynge lyghter they flee a great deele the fafter, and by the fame reafon gyueth a far forer flripe. Yea and I fuppofe if ye fame lytle barbes whiche they haue, were clene put away, they fhuld be far better. For thys euery man doth graunt, yat a fhaft as long as it fiyeth, turnes, and whan it leueth turnyng it leueth goyng any farther. And euery thynge that enters by a turnynge and boring facion, the more flatter it is, the worfe it enters, as a knife thoughe it be ftiarpe yet becaufe of the edges, wil not bore fo wel as a bodkin, for euery rounde thynge enters befte and therefore nature, fayeth Ariftotle, made the rayne droppes rounde for quicke percynge the ayer. Thus, eyther ihaftes turne not in flyeng, or els our flatte arrowe heades ftoppe the lhafte in entrynge. P|ji. But yet Toxophile to holde your communica- tion a lytle I fuppofe the flat heade is better, bothe bycaufe it maketh a greter hoole, and alfo bycaufe it flicks fafter in. 3E0x* Thefe two reafons as they be bothe trewe, fo they be both nought. For fyrft the leffe hoole, yf it be depe, is the worft to heale agayn: when a man fhoteth at hys enemy, he defyreth rather yat it mould enter far, than flick faft. For what remedye is it I praye you for hym whych is fmitten with a depe wounde to poull out the fhaft quickely, except it be to hafle his death fpedely ? thus heades whyche make a lytle hole and depe, be better in war, than thofe which make a great hole and fticke faft in.