14-0 This communication of teaching youthe, maketh me to remembrethe right worfhipfull and my fmgulergood mayfler, Sir Humfrey Wmgfelde, to whom nexte God, I ought to refer for his manifolde benefites beftowed on me, the poore talent of learnyng, whiche god hath lent me : and for his fake do I owe my feruice to all other of the name and noble houfe of the Wyngfeldes, bothe in woord and dede. Thys worfhypfull man hath euer loued and vfed, to haue many children brought vp in learnynge in his houfe amonges whome I my felfe was one. For whom at terme tymes he woulde bryng downe from London bothe bo we and ihaftes. And when they fliuld playe he woulde go with them him felfe in to the fyelde, and fe them flioote, and he that mot fayreft, fhulde haue the beft bowe and fhaftes, and he that mot ilfauouredlye, fhulde be mocked of his felowes, til he ihot better. Woulde to god all Englande had vfed or wolde vfe to lay the foundacion of youth, after the example of this worfhipful man in bringyng vp chyldren in the Booke and the Bowe: by whiche two thynges, the hole common welth both in peace and warre is chefelye ruled and defended wythall. But to our purpofe, he that mufte come to this high perfe6lnes in fhootyng which we fpeake of, mufte nedes begin to learne it in hys youthe, the omitting of whiche thinge in Englande, both maketh fewer fhooters, and alfo euery man that is a fhoter, mote warfe than he myght, if he were taught. •jjiljf, Euen as I knowe that this is true, whiche you faye, euen fo Toxophile, haue you quyte difcouraged me, and drawen my minde cleane from fhootynge, feinge by this reafon, no man yat hath not vfed it .in his youthe can be excellent in it. And I fuppofe the fame refon woulde difcourage many other mo, yf they hearde you talke after this forte. 2C0X, This thyng Philologe, fhall difcourage no man that is wyfe. For I wyll proue yat wifdome may worke the fame thinge in a man, that nature doth in a chylde.