141 A chylde by thre thinges, is brought to excellencie. By Aptneffe, Defire, and Feare : Aptneffe maketh hym pliable lyke waxe to be formed and fafhioned, euen as a man woulde haue hym. Defyre to be as good or better, than his felowes: and Feare of them whome he is vnder, wyl caufe hym take great labour and payne with diligent hede, in learnynge any thinge, wherof procedeth at the lafte excellency and perfe&neffe. A man maye by wifdome in learnyng any thing, and fpecially to fhoote, haue thre lyke commodities alfo, wherby he maye, as it were become younge agayne, and fo attayne to excellencie. For as a childe is apte by naturall youth, fo a man by vfyng at the firfte weake bowes, far vnderneth his ftrength, fhal be as pliable and readye to be taught fayre motyng as any chylde: and daylye vfe of the fame, Ihal both kepe hym in fayer fhotyng, and alfo at ye laft bryng hym to ftronge mootynge. And in ftede of the feruente defyre, which pro- uoketh a chylde to be better than hys felowe, lette a man be as muche ftirred vp with fhamefaflnes to be worfe than all other. And the fame place that feare hathe in a chylde, to compell him to take peyne, the fame hath loue of motyng in a man, to caufe hym forfake no labour, withoute whiche no man nor chylde can be excellent. And thus whatfoeuer a chylde may be taught by Aptneffe, Defire, and Feare, the fame thing in mootynge, maye a man be taughte by weake bowes, ShamefafLneffe and Loue. And hereby you may fe that that is true whiche Cicero fayeth, that a man by vfe, may be broughte to a newe nature. And this I dare be bould to faye, that any man whiche will wifely begynne, and conflantlye perfeuer in this trade of learnyng to fhote, mall attayne to perfeclneffe therein. •PJ1 This communication Toxophile, doeth pleafe me verye well, and nowe I perceyue that mofte gene- rally and chefly youthe mufte be taughte to fhoote, and fecondarilye no man is debarred therfrom excepte it be