142 <£0):0ji!)flfog. 38* more thorough his owne negligence for bicaufe he wyll not learne, than any difabilitie, bicaufe he can not lerne. Therfore seyng I wyll be glad to folowe your counfell in chofynge my bowe and other inflrumentes, and alfo am afhamed that I can ftiote no better than I can, moreouer hauynge fuche a loue toward fhotynge by your good reafons to day, that I wyll forfake no labour in the exercife of the fame, I befeche you imagyn that we had bothe bowe and fhaftes here, and teache me howe I mould handle them, and one thynge I defyre you, make me as fayre an Archer as you can. . For thys I am fure in learnynge all other matters, nothynge is broughte to the moofl profitable vfe, which is not handled after the moofl cumlye falhion. As mailers of fence haue no ftroke fit ether to hit an other or elfe to defende hym felfe, whyche is not ioyned wyth a wonderfull cumlineffe. A Cooke can not chop hys herbes neither quickelye nor hanfomlye excepte he kepe fuche a mefure with hys choppynge kniues as woulde delyte a manne both to fe hym and heare hym. Euerye hand craft man that workes beft for hys owne profyte, workes moll femelye to other mens fight. Agayne in buyldynge a houfe, in makynge a fhyppe, euery parte the more hanfomely, they be ioyned for profyt and lafle, the more cumlye they be fafhioned to euery mans fyght and eye. Nature it felfe taught men to ioyne alwayes welfauouredneffe with profytableneffe. As in man, that ioynt or pece which is by anye chaunce depriued of hys cumly- neffe the fame is alfo debarred of hys vfe and profy- tableneffe. As he that is gogle eyde and lokes a fquinte hath both hys countenaunce clene marred, and hys fight fore blemmyfhed, and fo in all other members lyke. Moreouer what tyme of the yeare bryngeth moofle profyte wyth it for mans vfe, the fame alfo couereth and dekketh bothe earthe and trees wyth moofl cumly- neffe for mans pleafure. And that tyme whych takethe