143 awaye the pleafure of the grounde, carieth wyth hym alfo the profyt of the grounde, as euery man by expe- rience knoweth in harde and roughe winters, Some thynges there be whych haue no other ende, but onely cumlyneffe, as payntyng, and Daunfmg. And vertue it felfe is nothynge eles but cumlyneffe, as al Philo- fopliers do agree in opinion, therfore feynge that whych is befl done in anye matters, is alwayes mooil cumlye done as both Plato and Cicero in manye places do proue, and daylye experience dothe teache in other thynges, I praye you as I fayde before teatche me to fhoote as fayre, and welfauouredly as you can imagen. 2D0X. Trewlye Philologe as you proue verye well in other matters, the befl ihootynge, is alwayes the mooil cumlye Ihootynge but thys you know as well as I that Craffus mewethe in Cicero that as cumlineffe is the chefe poynt, and mofl to be fought for in all thynges, fo cumlyneffe onlye, can neuer be taught by any Arte or craft. But maye be perceyued well when it is done, not defcribed wel how it mould be done. Yet neuertheleffe to comme to it there be rnanye waye whych wayes men haue affayde in other matters, as yf a man would folowe in learnynge to fhoote faire, the noble paynter Zeuxes in payntyng Helena, whyche to make his Image bewtifull dyd chofe out. v. of the fayrefl maydes in al the countrie aboute, and in beholdynge them conceyued and drewe out fuche an Image that it far exceded al other, bycaufe the comeli- neffe of them al was broughte in to one moofl perfyte comelineffe: So lykewyfe in Ihotynge yf a man, woulde fet before hys eyes. v. or. vi. of the fayrefl Archers that euer he faw Ihoote, and of one learne to ftande, of a nother to drawe, of an other to lowfe, and fo take of euery man, what euery man coulde do beft, I dare faye he ihoulde come to fuche a comlyneffe as neuer man came to yet. As for an example, if the moofl comely poynte in fhootynge that Hewe Prophete the Kynges feruaunte hath and as my frendes Thomas and Raufe Cantrell doth vfe with the mooil femelye facyons that