. 34* fyngers of the head, and than he ftayeth a lyttle, to looke at hys marke, and that done, pouleth it vp to the head, and lowfeth : whych waye although fumme excellent footers do vfe, yet furely it is a faulte, and good mennes faultes are not to be folowed. Summe men drawe to farre, furnme to fhorte, fumme to flowlye, fumme to quickely, fumme holde ouer longe, fumme let go ouer fone. Summe fette theyr lhafte on the groimde, and fetch- eth him vpwarde. An other poynteth vp towarde the fkye, and fo bryngeth hym downewardes. Ones I fawe a manne whyche vfed a brafar on his cheke, or elles he had fcratched all the fkynne of the one fyde, of his face, with his drawynge hand. An other I fawe, whiche at euerye Ihoote, after the loofe, lyfted vp his ryght legge fo far, that he was euer in ieoperdye of faulyng. Summe fLampe forwarde, and fumme leape back- warde. All thefe faultes be eyther in the drawynge, or at the loofe : with many other mo whiche you may eafelye perceyue, and fo go about to auoyde them. Nowe afterwarde whan the fhafte is gone, men haue manye faultes, whyche euell Cuftome hath broughte them to, and fpecially in cryinge after the lhafte, and fpeakynge woordes fcarce honeft for fuche an honeft paftyme. Suche woordes be verye tokens of an ill mynde, and manifefLe fignes of a man that is fubie&e to in- meafurable afifedtions. Good mennes eares do abhor them, and an honeft man therfore wyl auoyde them. And befydes thofe whiche mufte nedes haue theyr tongue thus walkynge, other men vfe other fautes as fome will take theyr bowe and writhe and wrinche it, to poule in his lhafte, when it flyeth wyde, as yf he draue a carte. Some wyll gyue two or. iii. ftrydes forwarde, daunting and hoppynge after his lhafte, as long as it flyeth, as though he were a madman. Some which feare to be to farre gone, runne backe- warde as it were to poule his lhafte backe. Another runneth forwarde, whan he feareth to be Ihort, heau-