147 ynge after his armes, as though he woulde helpe his ihafte to flye. An other writhes or runneth a fyde, to poule in his fhafte flrayght. One lifteth vp his heele, and fo holdeth his foote flill, as longe as his ihafte flyeth. An other cafteth his arme backewarde after the lowfe. And an other fwynges hys bowe aboute hym, as it were a man with a ftaffe to make roume in a game place. And manye other faultes there be, whiche nowe come not to my remembraunce. Thus as you haue hearde, manye archers wyth marrynge theyr face and countenaunce, wyth other partes, of theyr bodye, as it were menne that ihoulde daunce an- tiques, be farre from the comelye porte in fhootynge, whiche he that woulde be excellent mufte looke for. Of thefe faultes I haue verie many my felfe, but I talke not of my fhootynge, but of the generall nature of fhootynge. Nowe ymagin an Archer that is cleane wythout al thefe faultes and I am fure euerye man would be delyted to fe hym fhoote. And althoughe fuche a perfyte cumlyneffe can not be expreffed wyth any precepte of teachyng, as Cicero and other learned menne do faye, yet I wyll fpeake (accordyng to my lytle knowlege) that thing in it, whych yf you folowe, althoughe you mall not be wythout fault, yet your fault fhal neyther quickly be perceued, nor yet greatly rebuked of them that ftande by. Standyng, nockyng, drawyng, holdyng, lowfyng, done as they Ihoulde be done, make fayre fhootynge. The fyrfte poynte is when a man fhoulde mote, to take fuche footyng and ftandyng as fhal be Stand both cumlye to the eye and profitable to ^ ynse" hys vfe,fettyng hys countenaunce and al the other partes of hys bodye after fuche a behauiour and porte, that bothe al hys ftrengthe may be employed to hys owne mooft a[d]uantage, and hys moot made and handled to other mens pleafure and delyte. A man muft not go to haflely to it, for that is ramneffe, nor yet make to much to do about it, for yat is curiofitie, ye one fote muft not flande to far from the other, lefle he ftoupe to muche whyche is vnfemelye, nor yet to nere