151 the marke, wil labour to come as nigh as they can. All thinges in this worlde be vnperfite and vnconftant, therfore let euery man acknowlege hys owne weake- neffe, in all matters great and final, weyghtye and merye, and glorine him, in whome only perfyte perfit- neffe is. But nowe fir, he that wyll at all aduentures vfe the feas knowinge no more what is to be done in a tempefl than in a caulme, mall foone becumme a marchaunt of Eele fkinnes: fo that fhoter whiche putteth no difference, but fhooteth in all lyke, in rough wether and fayre, mall alwayes put his wyn- ninges in his eyes. Lytle botes and thinne boordes, can not endure the rage of a tempefl. Weake bowes, and lyght Ihaftes can not ftande in a rough wynde. And lykewyfe as a blynde man which fhoulde go to a place where he had neuer ben afore, that hath but one ftrayghte waye to it, and of eyther fyde hooles and pyttes to faule into, nowe falleth in to this hole and than into that hole, and neuer commeth to his iourney ende, but wandereth alwaies here and there, farther and farther of: So that archer which ignorauntly fhoteth confidering neyther fayer nor foule, ftandynge nor nockynge, fether nor head, drawynge nor lowfyng, nor yet any compace, lhall alwayes mote fhorte and gone, wyde and farre of, and neuer comme nere, excepte perchaunce he ftumble fumtyme on the marke. For ignoraunce is nothynge elles but mere blyndeneffe. A mayfter of a fhippe firfl learneth to knowe the cummyng of a temp eft, the nature of it, and ho we to behaue hym felfe in it, eyther with chaungynge his courfe, or poullynge downe his hye toppes and brode fayles, beyng glad to efchue as muche of the wether as he can: Euen fo a good archer wyl fyrft wyth dilligent vfe and markynge the wether, learne to knowe the nature of the wynde, and wyth wyfedome, wyll meafure in hys myndej howe muche it wyll alter his fhoote, eyther in lengthe kepynge, or els in ftreyght fhotynge, and fo with chaunging his flandynge, or takynge an other mafte, the whiche he knoweth per-