152 Crrjr0$)tTuŁ. 33, fytlye to be fitter for his pom pole, eyther bycaufe it is lower fethered, or els bycaufe it is of a better wyng, wyll fo handle wyth difcretion hys fhoote, that he mail feeme rather to haue the wether vnder hys rule, by good hede gyuynge, than the wether to rule hys fhafte by any fodayne chaungyng. Therefore in fhootynge there is as muche difference betwixt an archer that is a good wether man, and an other that knoweth and marketh nothynge, as is be- twixte a blynde man and he that can fe. Thus, as concernynge the wether, a perfyte archer mufle nrfte learn e to knowe the fure flyghte of his fhaftes, that he may be boulde alwayes, to truft them, than mufle he learne by daylye experience all maner of kyndes of wether, the tokens of it, whan it wyl cumme, the nature of it when it is cumme, the diuerfitie and alteryng of it, whan it chaungeth, the decreafe and diminifhing of it, whan it ceafeth. Thirdly, thefe thinges knowen, and euery fhoote dili- gentlye marked, than mull a man compare alwayes, the wether and his footyng togyther, and with difcretion meafure them fo, that what fo euer the roughe wether mall take awaye from hys fhoote the fame mail iufte footynge reftore agayne to hys fhoote. Thys thynge well knowen, and difcretelye handeled in fhootynge, bryngeth more profite and commendation and prayfe to an Archer, than any other thynge befydes. He that woulde knowe perfectly the winde and wether, mufle put differences betwixte tymes. For diuerfitie of tyme caufeth diuerfitie of wether, as in the whole yeare, Sprynge tyme, Somer, Faule of the leafe, and Winter; Lykewyfe in one day Mornynge, Noonetyme, After noone, and Euentyde, bothe alter the wether, and chaunge a mannes bowe wyth the ftrength of man alfo. And to knowe that this is fo, is ynough for a fhoter and artillerie, and not to ferche the caufe, why it flioulde be fo : whiche belongeth to a learned man and Philofophie. In confydering the tyme of the yeare, a wyfe Archer wyll folowe a good Shipman. In Winter and rough