of jftjontutg* 153 wether, fmall bootes and lytle pinkes forfake the And at one tyme of the yeare, no Gallies come abrode ; So lykewyfe weake Archers, vfyng fmall and holowe fhaftes, with bowes of htle pith, mufle be con- tent to gyue place for a tyme. And this I do not faye, eyther to difcommende or difcourage any weake Ihooter : For lykewyfe, as there is no fhippe better than Gallies be, in a fofte and a caulme fea, fo no man mooteth cumlier or nerer~hys marke, than fome weake archers doo, in a fayre and cleare daye. Thus euery archer mufl knowe, not onelye what bowe and fhafte is fitteft for him to fhoote withall, but alfo whattyme and feafon is beft for hym to mote in. And furely, in al other matters to, amonge al degrees of men, there is no man which doth any thing eyther more difcretely for his commendation, or yet more profitable for his aduauntage, than he which wyll knowe perfitly for what matter and for what tyme he is mooft apte and fit Yf men woulde go aboute mat- ters whych they mould do and be fit for, and not fuche thynges whyche wylfullye they defyre and j^et be vnfit for, verely greater matters in the common welthe than fhootyng fhoulde be in better cafe than they be. This ignorauncie in men whyche know not for what tyme, and to what thynge they be fit, caufeth fome wyfhe to be riche, for whome it were better a greate deale_ to be poore : other to be medlynge in euery mans matter, for whome it were more honeftie to be quiete and ftyll. Some to defire to be in the Courte, whiche be borne and be fitter rather for the carte. Somme to be mayflers and rule other, whiche neuer yet began to rule them felfe : fome alwayes to iangle and taulke, whych rather fhoulde heare and kepe filence. Some to teache, which rather mould learne. Some to be prefles, whiche were fytter to be clerkes. And thys peruerfe iudgc- ment of ye worlde, when men mefure them felfe a miffe, bringeth muche myforder and greate vnfemely- peffe to the hole body of the common wealth, as yf