, 31 a manne fhould were his hoofe vpon his head, or a woman go wyth a fworde and a buckeler euery man would take it as a greate vncumlyneffe although it be but a tryfle in refpedte of the other. Thys peruerfe iudgement of men hindreth no thynge fo much as learnynge, bycaufe commonlye thofe whych be vnfitteft for learnyng, be cheyfly fet to learnynge. As yf a man nowe a dayes haue two fonnes, the one impotent, weke, fickly, lifpynge, ftuttynge, and flamerynge, or hauynge any miffhape in hys bodye: what doth the father of fuche one commonlye faye ? This boye is fit for nothynge els, but to fet to lernyng and make a preft of, as who would fay, yat outcafles of the worlde, hauyng neyther countenaunce tounge nor wit (for of a peruerfe bodye cummeth com- monly a peruerfe mynde) be good ynough to make thofe men of, whiche mail be appoynted to preache Goddes holye woorde, and minifler hys bleffed facramentes, befydes other mooft weyghtye matters in the common welthe put ofte tymes, and worthelye to learned mennes difcretion and charge: whan rather fuche an oiryce fo hygh in dignitie, fo godlye in ad- miniflration, fhulde be committed to no man, whiche fhulde not haue a countenaunce full of cumlyneffe to allure good menne, a bodye full of manlye authoritie to feare ill men, a witte apte for al learnynge with tongue and voyce, able to perfwade all men. And although fewe fuche men as thefe can be founde in a common wealthe, yet furelye a godly difpofed man, will bothe in his mynde thyncke fit, and with al his ftudie labour to get fuch men as I fpeke of, or rather better, if better can be gotten for fuche an hie adminiftration, whiche is moil properlye appoynted to goddes owne matters and bufmeffes. This peruerfe iugement of fathers as concernynge the fitneffe and vnfitneffe of theyr chyldren caufeth the common wealthe haue many vnfit miniflers: And feyng that miniflers be, as a man woulde fay, inftru- mentes wherwith the common wealthe doeth worke all her matters withall, I maruayle howe it chauncetb