of. #j00tfit3. 155 yat a' pore fhomaker hath fo much wit, yat he will pre- pare no inflrument for his fcience neither knyfe nor aule, nor nothing els whiche is not very fitte for him : the common wealthe can be content to take at a fonde fathers hande, the rifraffe of the worlde, to make thofe inflrumentes of, wherwithal fhe fhoulde worke ye hieft matters vnder heauen. And furely an aule of lead is not fo vnprofitable in a fhomakers fhop, as an vnfit minifler,made of groffe metal, is vnfemely in ye common welth. Fathers in olde time among ye noble Perfians might not do with theyr children as they thought good, but as the iudgement of the common wealth al wayes thought beft. This fault of fathers bringeth many a blot with it, to the great deformitie of the common wealthe: and here furely I can prayfe gentlewomen which haue alwayes at hande theyr glaffes, to fe if any thinge be amiffe, and fo will amende it, yet the common wealth hauing ye glaffe of knowlege in euery mans hand, doth fe fuch vncumlines in it: and yet winketh at it. This faulte and many fucht- lyke, myght be fone wyped awaye, yf fathers woulde bellow their children on yat thing alwayes, whervnto nature hath ordeined them mofte apte and fit. For if youth be grafted flreyght, and not a wrye, the hole common, welth wil flonfh therafter. Whan this is done, than mufle euery man beginne to be more ready to amende hym felfe, than to checke an other, meafuryng their matters with that wife prouerbe of Apollo, Knowe thy felfe: that is to faye, learne to knowe what thou arte able, fitte, and apt vnto, and folowe that This thinge fhulde be bothe cumlie to the common wealthe, and moofb profitable for euery one, as doth appere very well in all wife mennes deades, and fpecially to turne to our communication agayne in ihootynge, where wife archers haue alwayes theyr inflrumentes fit for theyr ftrength, and wayte euer-" more fuche tyme and wether, as is moft agreable to their gere. Therfore if the wether be to fore, and ynfit for your fhootynge, leaue of for that claye, and