156 ttyttpflflttf. 38. wayte a better feafon. For he is a foole yat wyl not go, whome neceffitie driueth. ^{j{, This communication of yours pleafed me fo well Toxophile, that furelye I was not haftie to calle you, to defcrybe forthe the wether but with all my harte woulde haue fuffered you yet to haue ftande longer in this matter. For thefe thinges touched of you by chaunfe, and by the waye, be farre aboue the matter it felfe, by whofe occafion ye other were broughte in. 5E0X. Weyghtye matters they be in dede, and fit bothe in an other place to be fpoken: and of an other man than I am, to be handled. And bycaufe meane men muft meddle wyth meane matters, I wyl go forwarde in defcrybyng the wether, as concernynge mooting: and as I toulde you before, In the hole yere, Spring tyme, Somer, Fal of the leafe, and Winter: and in one day, Morning, Noone tyme, After noone, and Euentyde, altereth the courfe of the wether, the pith of the bowe, the ftrength of the man. And in euery one of thefe times the wether altereth, as fumtyme wyndie, fumtyme caulme, fumtyme cloudie, fumtyme clere, fumtyme hote, fumtyme coulde, the wynde fumtyme moiftye and thicke, fumtyme drye and fmothe. A litle winde in a moyftie day, ftoppeth a fhafte more than a good whifkynge wynde in a clere daye. Yea, and I haue fene whan there hath bene no winde at all, the ayer fo miftie and thicke, that both the markes haue ben wonderfull great. And ones, whan the Plage was in Cambrige, the downe winde twelue fcore marke for the fpace of. iii. weekes, was. xiii. fcore, and an halfe, and into the wynde, beynge not very great, a great deale aboue. xiiii. fcore. The winde is fumtyme playne vp and downe, whiche is commonly mofte certayne, and requireth leaft knowlege, wherin a meane Ihoter with meane geare, if he can Ihoote home, maye make bell fhifte. A fyde wynde tryeth an archer and good gere verye muche. Sumtyme it bloweth a lofte, fumtyme hard by the grounde: Sumtyme it bloweth by blaftes, and fumtyme it cpptinuefh al Jn one: Sumtyme ful fjde