df «fl)00twa. 157 wynde, fumtyme quarter with hym and more, and lyke- wyfe agaynft hym, as a man with cailynge vp lyght graffe, or els if he take good hede, mall fenfibly learne by experience. To fe the wynde, with a man his eyes, it is vnpoffible, the nature of it is fo fyne, and fubtile, yet this experience of the wynde had I ones my felfe, and that was in the great fnowe that fell. iiri. yeares agoo : I rode in the hye waye betwixt Topcliffe vpon Swale, and Borowe bridge, the waye beyng fumwhat trodden afore, by waye fayrynge men. The feeldes on bothe fides were playne and laye almoft yearde depe with fnowe, the nyght afore had ben a litle frofte, fo yat the fnowe was hard and crafted aboue. That morning the fun Ihone bright and clere, the winde was whiftelinge a lofte, and fharpe accordynge to the tyme of the yeare. The fnowe in the hye waye laye lowfe and troden wyth horfe feete: fo as the wynde blewe, it toke the lowfe mow with it, and made it fo flide vpon the fnowe in the felde whyche was harde and crufled by reafon of the frofl ouer nyght, that therby I myght fe verye wel, the hole nature of the wynde as it blewe yat daye. And I had a great delyte and pleafure to marke it, whyche maketh me now far better to remember it. Sometyme the wynd would be not paft. ii. yeardes brode, and fo it would carie the fnowe as far as I could fe. An other tyme the fnow woulde blowe ouer halfe the felde at ones. Sometyme the fnowe woulde tomble foftly, by and by it would flye wonderfull faft. And thys I per- ceyued alfo that ye wind goeth by ftreames and not hole togither. For I mould fe one ftreame wyth in a Score on me, than the fpace of. ii. fcore no fnow would ftirre, but after fo muche quantitie of grounde, an other ftreame of fnow at the fame very tyme ihould be caryed lykewyfe, but not equally. For the one would ftande ftyll when the other flew a pace, and fo contynewe fomtyme fwiftlyer fometime flowlyer, fometime broder, fometime narrower, as far as I could e fe. Nor it flewe not ftreight, but fometyme it crooked thys waye fometyme that waye, and fomtyme it ran