158 t£0j:crj)Ij)ilu& 33. lound aboute in a compafe. And fomlyme the fnowe wold be lyft clene from the ground vp in to the ayre, and by and by it would be al clapt to the grounde as though there had bene no winde at all, ilreightwa> it woulde rife and flye agayne. And that whych was the mooft meruayle of al, at one tyme. ii. driftes of fnowe flewe, the one out of the Weft into ye Eafl, the other out of the North in to ye Eafl: And I faw. ii. windes by reafon of ye fnow the one croffe ouer the other, as it had bene two hye wayes. And agayne I fhoulde here the wynd blow in the ayre, when nothing was ftirred at the ground. And when all was Hill where I rode, not verye far from me the fnow mould be lifted wonderfully. This expe- rience made me more meruaile at ye nature of the wynde, than it made me conning in ye knowlege of ye wynd: but yet therby I learned perfitly that it is no meruayle at al thoughe men in a wynde leafe theyr length in Ihooting, feying fo many wayes the wynde is fo variable in blowynge. But feynge that a Mayfler of a fhyp, be he neuer fo cunnynge, by the vncertayntye of the wynde, leefeth many tymes both lyfe and goodes, furelye it is no wonder, though a ryght good Archer, by the felf fame wynde fo variable in lays owne nature, fo vnfenfyble to cure nature, leefe man ye a fhoote and game. The more vncertaine and difceyuable the wynd is, the more hede muft a wyfe Archer gyue to know the gyles of it. He yat doth miflrufl is feldome begiled. For although therby he fhall not attayne to that which is beft, yet by thefe meanes he fhall at leafte auoyde yat whyche is worft. Befyde al thefe kindes of windes you muft take hede yf you fe anye cloude apere and gather by lytle and litle agaynft you, or els yf a fhowre of raine be lyke to come vpon you : for than both the dryuing of the wether and the thyckynge of the ayre increafeth the marke, when after ye fhowre al thynges are contrary clere and caulme, and the marke for the moft parte new to begyn agayne. You muft take