159 hede alfo yf euer you Ihote where one of the markes or both flondes a lytle Ihort of a hye wall, for there you may be eaflye begyled. Yf you take graffe and cafle it vp to fe howe the wynde ftandes, rnanye tymes you fhal fuppofe to ihoote downe the wynde, when you ihote cleane agaynfl the wynde. And a good reafon why. For the wynd whych commeth in dede againfl you, redoundeth bake agayne at the wal, and whyrleth backe to the prycke and a lytle farther and than turneth agayne, euen as a vehement water doeth agaynfte a rocke or an hye braye whyche example of water as it is more fenfible to a mans eyes, fo it is neuer a whyt the trewer than this of the wynde. So that the graffe cafle vp mall flee that waye whyche in dede is the longer marke and deceyue quycklye a fhooter that is not ware of it. This experience had I ones my felfe at Norwytch in the chapel felde wythin the waulles. And thys waye I vfed in Ihootynge at thofe markes. When I was in the myd way betwixt the markes whyche was an open place, there I toke a fether or a lytle lyght graffe and fo as well as I coulde, learned how the wynd floode, that done I wente to the prycke as fafte as I coulde, and according as I had founde ye wynde when I was in the mid waye, fo I was fayne than to be content to make the beft of my Ihoote that I coulde. Euen fuche an other experience had I in a maner at Yorke, at the prickes, lying betwixte the caftell and Oufe fyde. And although you fmile Philologe, to heare me tell myne owne fondenes: yet feing you wil nedes haue me teach you fomwhat in fhotyng, I muft nedes fomtyme tel you of myne owne experience, and the better I may do fo, by- caufe Hippocrates in teachynge phyfike, Hippo. D& vfeth verye muche the fame waye. Take morb- vul£- heede alfo when you fhoote nere the fea coil, although you be, ii. or. iii. miles from the fea, for there diligent markinge lhall efpie in the moft clere daye wonderfull chaunginge. The fame is to be confidered lykewyfe by a riuer fide fpeciallie if