at £500ttttjj. 161 his lengthe. For fuche thinges which chaunce euery fhoote, many archers vfe to haue fumme place made in theyr cote, fitte for a lytle fyle, a flone, a Hun- fyfhfkin, and a cloth to dreffe the fhaft fit agayne at all nedes. Thys muft a man looke to euer when he taketh vp his fhaft. And the heade maye be made to fmothe, which wil caufe it flye to far : when youre lhafte is fit, than muft you take your bow euen in the middes or elles you fhall both leafe your lengthe, and put youre bowe, in ieopardye of breakynge. Nock- ynge iufte is next, whicla is muche of the fame nature. Than drawe equallye, lowfe equallye, wyth houldynge your hande euer of one heighte to kepe trew com- paffe. To looke at your fhafte hede at the lowfe, is the greateft helpe to kepe a lengthe that can be, whych thyng yet hindreth excellent fhotyng, bicaufe a man can not mote flreight perfitlye excepte he looke at his marke : yi I mould fhoote at a line and not at the marke, I woulde alwayes loke at my fhaft ende, but of thys thyng fome what afterwarde. Nowe if you marke the wether diligentlye, kepe your ftand- ynge iuflely, houlde and nocke trewlye, drawe and lowfe equallye, and kepe your compace certaynelye, you mail neuer miffe of your lengthe. •Jlfji. Then there is nothyng behinde to make me hit ye marke but onely mooting flreight. QLox* No trewlye. And fyrile I wyll tell you what fhyftes Archers haue founde to fhoote flreyght, than what is the beft waye to fhoote flreyght. As the wether belongeth fpecially to kepe a lengthe (yet a fide winde belongeth alfo to mote flreight) euen fo the nature of the pricke is to mote flreight. The lengthe or fhortneffe of the marke is .alwayes vnder the rule of the wether, yet fumwhat there is in ye marke, worthye to be marked of an Archer. Yf the prickes fland of a flreyght plane ground they be ye beft to mote at. Yf ye marke fland on a hyl fyde or ye ground be vnequal with pittes and turninge wayes betwyxte the markes, a mans eye fhall thynke that L