1 62 SDlpjgTjClttg. 38. to be Itreight whyche is croked : The experience of this thing is fene in payntynge, the caufe of it is knowen by learnynge. And it is ynoughe for an archer to marke it and lake hede of it. The cheife caufe why men can not ihoote ftreight, is bicaufe they loke at theyr fhaft : and this fault commeth bycaufe a man is not taught to fhote when he is yong. Yf he learn e to Ihoote by him- felfe he is afrayde to pull the fliafte throughe the bowe, and therfore looketh alwayes at hys fhafte : yll vfe confirmeth thys faulte as it doth many mo. And men continewe the longer in thys faulte bycaufe it is fo good to kepe a lengthe wyth al, and yet to mote ftreight, they haue inuented fome waies, to efpie a tree or a hill beyonde the marke, or elles to haue fumme notable thing betwixt ye markes : and ones I fawe a good archer whiche did cafte of his gere, and layd his quiuer with it, euen in the midway betwixt ye prickes. Summe thought he dyd fo, for fauegarde of his gere : I fuppofe he did it, to Ihoote ftreyght withall Other men vfe to efpie fumme marke almooft a bow wide of ye pricke, and than go about to kepe him felfe on yat hande that the prycke is on, which thing howe much good it doth, a man wil not beleue, that doth not proue it Other and thofe very good archers in drawyng. loke at the marke vntill they come aim oft to ye head, than they looke at theyr mafte, but at ye very lowfe, with afeconde fight they fynde theyr marke agayne. This way and al other afore of me reherfed are but Ihiftes and not to be folowed in fhotyng ftreyght For hauyng a mans eye alwaye on his marke, is the only waye to mote ftreght, yea and I fuppofe fo redye and eafy a way yf it be learned in youth and confirmed with vfe, yat a man mall neuer miffe therin. Men doubt yet in loking at ye mark what way is beft whether betwixt the bowe and the ftringe, aboue or beneth hys hand, and many wayes moo : yet it maketh no great matter which way a man looke at his marke yf it be ioyned with comly fhotynge. The diuerfitie of mens ftandyng and drawing caufeth