163 diuerfe men [to] loke at theyr marke diuerfe wayes: yet they al lede a mans hand to fhoote ftreight yf nothyng els floppe. So that cumlyneffe is the only iudge of Deft lokyng at the marke. Some men wonder why in calling a mans eye at ye marke, the hand mould go flreyght. Surely ye he confydered the nature of a mans eye, he wolde not wonder at it: For this I am certayne of, that no feiuaunt to hys mayfter, no chylde to hys father is fo obedient, as euerye ioynte and pece of the , body is to do what foeuer the eye biddes. The eye is the guide, the ruler and the fuccourer of al the other partes. The hande, the foote and other members dare do nothynge without the eye, as doth appere on the night and darke corners. The eye is the very tonge wherwith wyt and reafon doth fpeke to euery parte of the body, and the wyt doth not fo fone fignifye a thynge by the eye, as euery parte is redye to folow, or rather preuent the byddyng of the eye. Thys is playne in many thinges, but moft euident in fence and feyghtynge, as I haue heard men faye. There euery parte ftandynge in feare to haue a blowe, runnes to the eye for helpe, as yonge chyldren do to ye mother: the foote, the hand, and al wayteth vpon the eye. Yf the eye byd ye hand either beare of, or fmite, or the foote ether go forward, or backeward, it doth fo : And that whyche is mooft wonder of all the one man lookynge ftedfaftly at the other mans eye and not at his hand, wyl, euen as it were, rede in his eye where he purpofeth to fmyte nexte, for the eye is nothyng els but a certayne wyndowe for wit to Ihote oute hir head at. Thys wonderfull worke of god in makynge all the members fo obedient to the eye, is a pleafaunte thynge to remember and loke vpon: therfore an Archer maye be fure in learnyng to looke at hys marke when he is yong, alwayes to moote ftreyghte. The thynges that hynder a man whyche looketh at hys marke, to Ihote ilreyght, be thefe: A fyde wynde, a bowe either to ftronge, or els to weake, an ill arme, whan the fether runneth on the bowe to much, a byg brefled fhafte, for