' 38. hym that moteth vnder hande, bycaufe it wyll hobble: a little brefled lhafte for hym yat ihoteth aboue ye hande, bicaufe it wyl ftarte: a payre of windynge prickes, and many other thinges mo, which you fhal marke your felfe, and as ye knowe them, fo learne to amend them. If a man woulde leaue to looke at his ihafte, and learne to loke at his marke, he maye vfe this wave, whiche a good fhooter tolde me ones that he did. Let him take his bowe on the nyght, and Ihoote at. ii. lightes, and there he mall be compelled to- looke alwayes at his marke, and neuer at his lhafte: This thing ones or twyfe vfed wyl caufe hym forfake lokynge at hys mafte. Yet let hym take hede of fettynge his fhafte in the bowe. Thus Philologe to Ihoote flreyght is the leafle mayflerie of all, yf a manne order hym felfe there- after, in hys youthe. And as for keypynge a lengthe, I am fure the rules whiche I gaue you, will neuer difceyue you, fo that there fhal lacke nothynge, eyther of hittinge the marke alwayes, or elles verye nere fhotynge, excepte the faulte be onely in youre owne felfe, whiche maye come. ii. wayes, eyther in hauing a faynt harte or courage, or elles in fufferynge your felfe ouer muche to be led with affection: yf a mans mynde fayle hym, the bodye whiche is ruled by the mynde, can neuer do his duetie, yf lacke of courage were not, men myght do mo maflries than they do, as doeth appere in leapynge and vaultinge. All affections and fpecially anger, hurteth bothe mynde and bodye. The mynde is blynde therby: and yf the mynde be blynde, it can not rule the bodye aright. The body both blood and bone, as they fay, is brought out of his ryght courfe by anger: Wherby a man lacketh his right ftrengthe, and therfore can not fhoote wel. Yf thefe thynges be auoyded (whercf I wyll fpeake no more, both bycaufe they belong not properly to footing, and alfo you can teache me better, in them, than I you) and al the preceptes which I haue gyuen you, dilligently marked, no doubt ye fhal ihoote as well as euer man dyd yet, by the grace of God.