flf tfljmrttttjj* 565 Thys communication handled by me Philologe, as I knowe wel not perfytly, yet as I fuppofe truelye you muft take in good worthe, wherin if diuers tliinges do not all togyther pleafe you, thanke youre felfe, whiche woulde haue me rather faulte in mere follye, to take that thynge in hande whyche I was not able for to perfourme, than by any honefte lhamefaflnes withfay your requeft and minde, which I knowe well I haue not fatiffied. But yet I wyl thinke this labour of mine the better beftowed, if tomorow or fome other daye when you haue leyfour, you wyl fpende as much tyme with me here in this fame place, in entreatingc the queftion De origine animce. and the ioynyng of it with the bodye, that I maye knowe howe far Plato, Ariftotle, and the Stoicians haue waded in it. Pfji. How you haue handeled this matter Toxophile I may not well tel you my felfe nowe, but for your gentleneffe and good wyll towarde learnyng and fhotyng, I wyll be content to fhewe you any pleafure whenfoeuer you wyll : and nowe the funne is doune therfore if it pleafe you, we wil go home and drynke in my chambre, and there I wyll tell you playnelye what I thinke of this communication and alfo, what daye we will appoynt at your requeft for the other matter, to mete here agayne. Deo gratias. LONDONI. In cedibus Edouardi Whytchurck. Cum priuilegio ad impri- mendum folum.