168 NOTES. between Olympius and Xenophon, he difcufles Archery-v-Guns This tract is attached to another entitled Oratio de ob^dzont Louanienfi. Both were publifhed atLouvain in September 1543. 4. The Frenchman JOHN RAVISIUS TEXTOR [b about 1480 —d 3 Dec: 1524] : became Rector of the Univerfity of Pans. His Offiana was firft publifhed in 1522. The paffage that pro- voked Afcham's ire is, Crinitits ait Scotos (qiti vicini funt Bri~ tannis] in dirigtndis fagittis acres effe et egregios. Fol 158. Ed. 1532. 5. The Florentine PETER Rrccio or latinized CRINITUS [b 1465—d about 1504.], an Italian biographer and poet. In December, 1504 was publifhed his Commentam de Honefla Dis- ciplina. 6. The French Chronicler, ROBERT GAGUIN [b about 1425 —d 22. July. 1502.] General of the Order of the Trinitarians, and reputed the beft narrator of his age. The firft edition of his Compendium fttper Francorum %eftis was publifhed in Paris, in H95- 7. The Scot IOHN MAJOR, latinized IOANNES MAJOR, D.D. [b 1478—d 1540] was for many years Profeffor of Theology and one of the Docftors of the Sorbonne, at Paris. He publifhed his Hzftona Maioris Britannia, tarn Anglics qttam Scotia, per loannem Maiorem, nomine quidem Scotum^ profejjlone autem Theologum, e veterum monumentis concinnata. 4to Paris. 1521. " This hiftory is divided into fix books wherein he gives a fum- mary account of the affairs of Scotland from Fergus I. till the marriage of King James III,, in the year 1469, with which he concludes his work," Mackenzie. Writers of the Scottijk Nation^ ii. 315. 8. HECTOR BOETHIUS, or EOECE, or BOEIS [b about 1470— d about 1550] a native of Dundee, became Principal of King's College, Aberdeen, wrote Scotomm hiftonce a prima gentis wigine. cS°