English Reprints. 11 4. Sir PHILIP SIDNEY. An Apology for Poetry. [? 1580.] An Afiologie for Po&trie. Written by the right noble, vertiioits^ and learned Sir PHILIP SIDNEY, Knight. 1595. H W. LONGFELLOW. The defence of Poetry is a woik of rare merit. It is a golden little volume, which the scholar may lay beneath his pillow, as CHRYSOSTOM did the works of ARISTOPHANES.—North American Review, $• 57- January, 1832. The Work thus divides itself:— The Etymology of Poetry. The Anatomy of the Effects of Poetry. The Anatomy of the Parts of Poetry. Objections to Poetry answered. Criticism of the existing Englisli Poetry. 5. EDWARD WEBBE, A Chief Master Gunner. Travels. 1590. The rare and most wonderful t hinges which EDWARD WEBBE an Englishman borne> hath seem and passed in his troitblesome tra^^alles3 in the Citties of Jerusalem, Damasko, Bethelem and Galdy : and in all the landes of lewrie, Egipt, Grecia, Russia^ and in the Land of Prester John. Wherein is set foorth his extmame slauerie sustained many yeres togither, in the Gallies and wars of the great Turk against the Landes of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugal^ with the mannei of his releasement and coming to England. [1590.] 6. JOHN SELDEN. Table Talk, [1634-1654.] Table Talk: being the Discourses of JOHN SELDEN, Esq. ; or his Sence of various Matters of 'weight and high consequence, relating especially to Religion and State. 1689. S, T. COLERIDGE. There is moie weighty bullion sense in this book than I ever found m the same number of pages of any uninspired writer. . . . O 1 to have been with SELDEN over his glass of wine, making every accident an outlet and a vehicle of wisdom.—Literary Remains\ iii. 361-2. Ed. 1836. H. HALLAM. This very short and small volume gives, perhaps, a more exalted notion of SELDEN'S natural talents than any of his learned writings. '—Introduction to the Literature of Europe ^ iii. 347. Ed. 1836. Above all things•> Liberty.