12 English Reprints. 7. ROGER ASCHAM. Toxophilus, 1544. ToxophihtS) ike Schole of Shootinge, conteynedin two bookes. To all Gentlemen andyojnen of Englande, pleasaunte for theyr pastime to rede, and profitable for theyr use to follow both in war andpeace. In a dialogue between TOXOPHILUS and PHILOLOGUS, ASCHAM not only gives us one of the very best book-; on Archery in our language . but as he tells King Henry VIII., in his Dedication, "this htle treatise was Strposed, begon, and ended of me, onelie for this intent, that Labour, onest pastime, and Vertu might recouer againe that place and right, that Idlenesse, Unthnftie Gaming, and Vice hath put them fro." 8. JOSEPH ADDISON. Criticism on Paradise Lost. 1711-1712, From the Spectator, being its Saturday Issues between 31 December, 1711, and 3 May, 1712. In these papers, which constitute a Pumer to Paradise Lost, ADDISON first made known, and interpreted to the general English public, the great Epic poem, which had then been published nearly half a century. After a general discussion of the Fable, the Characters, the Sentiments^ the Language, and the Defects of MILTON'S Great Poem ; the Critic devotes a Paper to the consideration of the Beauties of each of its Twelve Books, 9. JOHN LYLY, Novelist) Wit, Poet, and Dramatist. Euphues. 1579-1580. EUPHVES, the Anatomy of Wit. Very pleasant for all Gentlemen to read?3 and most necessary to remember. Wherein are conteined the delights that Wit follow eth in his youth) by the pleasantnesse of loue, and the happinesse he reapeth in age by the perfectnesse of Wisedotne. 1579. EUPHUES and his England. Containing his voyage and aduentiiresi vnyxed with sundry pretie discourses of honest Loue, the description of the countrey, the Coin t, and the manners of thai Isle. 1580. Of gieat Importance in our Literary Histary.