vn [NOTE : —All must accept that there is a Lord of all the Jeevas. One can quite well take this as the truth, if one earnestly wish to reach the Sayujya state, that of conscious union. Cf. Instructions to Natananand Swami.] * * « * THE SELF WITHIN WAITS FOR YOU D.—You often say, (the whole world exists not without you/ (everything depends upon you/ ' what is there without you ? ? etc. This is really baffling. The world was there before my birth. It will be there after my death even as it has survived the deaths of so many who once lived as I am living now. M.—Did I ever say that the world is there because of you ? But I have put to you the question ' what is there without your self ?? You must know that by the self the body, subtle or gross, was not meant. Besides, the idea is put to you that if you once know the Self in which all the ideas move, not excluding the idea of yourself, of others like yourself and of the world, you can realise the truth that there is a Reality, a supreme Truth which is the Self of all the world you now see, the Self of all the selves, the one Real, which is the Paramo. Athman, the supreme Eternal as distinguished from the Jeeva, the ego-self which is impermanent. You must not mistake the ego-self or the bodily idea for the Athwan. £>.—Then you mean the Athman is God ? M.—You see the difficulty. The Vichara 'to know thy self* is different in method from the meditation