SECRETS OF INDUSTRIAL SUCCESS 105 Keen (4) It can not be denied that in Japan there were cases of cotton being supplied at prices lower than those being quoted in the cotton producing countries The total amount of cotton supplied at dump ing prices has been less than a million yen throughout Japan If viewed in the light of the huge consumotion of cotton in Japan, the amount seems negligible But if it be viewed in the light of principle and desirability, it is a serious matter The people concerned have been trying to check such business transactions for a long time, the amount diminishing year after year Such dumping transactions are said to be brought about by keen competition among cotton dealers, and pressure upon them from influential factories Small cotton dealers ha\ e been eliminated from the field one after another by com pctitive transactions and only large and fair dealers have survived Such unfair competition is expected to be discontinued in the near future In the early stages of the modern Japanese textile industry, there was a clear distinction between the products of big factories and small mills, the former producing goods for export and the latter producing goods for home consumption But \sith the remarkable growth of the industry of late, especially the phenomenal development in the line of export business during and after the World War, small mill owners began to produce export goods as well as home supply goods But as mentioned previously, because there vvas a difference in the quality of the goods produced by small mills ana large factories, the small mills were not able to conpete with the large factories in quality of goods and have been trying to compete with them through cut price sales Therefore the small mills have striven to find suitable means of reducing costs, and it seems that they have been notably successful One way of reducing costs at small mills has been to abolish the winding of varns in frames, and twisting the bunches, which means a waste of time and difficult unwinding a the weiv-