JAMES BOSWELL 39 Talking of the great difficulty of obtaining authen- tick information for biography, Johnson told us, 'When I was a young fellow I wanted to write the Life of Dryden, and in order to get materials, I applied to the only two persons then alive who had seen him; these were old Swinney, and old Gibber. Swinney's informa- tion was no more than this, "That at Will's coffee- house Dryden had a particular chair for himself, which was set by the fire in winter, and was then called his winter-chair; and that it was carried out for him to the balcony in summer, and was then called his summer- chair." Gibber could tell no more but "That he re- membered him a decent old man, arbiter of critical disputes at Will's." You are to consider that Gibber was then at a great distance from Dryden, had perhaps one leg only in the room, and durst not draw in the other.' BOSWELL. 'Yet Gibber was a man of observa- tion?' JOHNSON. * I think not/ BOSWELL. * You will allow his Apology to be well done.' JOHNSON. 'Very well done, to be sure, Sir. That book is a striking proof of the justice of Pope's remark : 44 Each might his several province well command, Would all but stoop to what they understand."' BOSWELL. ' And his plays are good.' JOHNSON. 'Yes; but that was his trade; resprit du corps: he had been all his life among players and play-writers. I wondered that he had so little to say in conversation, for he had kept the best company, and learnt all that can be got by the ear. He abused Pindar to me, and then shewed me an Ode of his own, with an absurd couplet, making a linnet soar on^n^eagle'jjwing. I told him that when "EEe ancients" made a simile7T3iey always made it like something real.*