I A COLLEGE MAGAZINE THIS Essay is chiefly interesting for the light which it throws upon the genesis of Stevenson's style, Stevenson was not a born writer. He learnt the art by playing the " sedulous ape ' to various classical authors, and it was only by constant practice that lie gradually evolved the style which has made his work so peculiarly distinctive. Nothing could be more charming than the genial way in which Stevenson takes the reader into his confidence and opens Ms heart to him. Stevenson is nothing if not personal in all he writes. This essay should be read in conjunction with the Essays in the Art of Writing, which gives Stevenson's literary creed in full. The magazine was the Edinburgh University Magazine. Hazlitt (1778-1830), essayist and critic, admired by Stevenson, who once contemplated writing his life ; Lamlb (1775-1834), author of the inimitable Essays of Etta-, Wordsworth (1770-1850), the leader with Coleridge of the 4 Return to Xature ' and the Romantic Reaction; Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682), the antiquarian, whose quaint and gorgeous prose is best known to us in Belifji® Medici and Urn Bund; Deioe (1661-1731), the first of English journalists and novelists, noted for the realism and simplicity of his style; Hawthorne (1804-1864), American novelist? famous chiefly for The Scarlet letter, Tanglewood Tales and the Blithedale Romance; Montaigne (1533-1592), the father of the modern Essay; Baudelaire (1821-1867), the morbid, exotic, but exquisite author of Fkurs du Mai (1857); Ofoermann (1804), the masterpiece of Senancour, known to English readers through Matthew Arnold's famous stanzas. Ruskin (1819-1900), social reformer and art critic, famous as the author of Modern Painters, The Seven Lamps of Architecture, The Stones of Venice, and a number of shorter works, such as Sesame and Lilies, Unto this Last, etc. pasticcio, patch-work, Sordello (1840), Browning's great but incomprehensible narrative poem, dealing with a mediaeval Italian soldier-poet mentioned by Dante. Keats (1725-1821), wrote narrative poems in many styles. His best, Endymion, is in loose heroic verse; Lamia is a more restrained poem in the same manner; The Eve of St. Agnes and Isabella and . The Pot of Basil are in stanza form, II 131