TENNYSON, ALFRED, LORD ODE ON THE DEATH OF THE DUKE OF WELLINGTON (First published 1852.) I T>URY the Great Duke -*•* With an empire's lamentation, Let us bury the Great Duke To the noise of the mourning of a mighty nation, Mourning when their leaders fall, 5 Warriors carry the warrior's pall, And sorrow darkens hamlet and hall. II Where shall we lay the man whom we deplore ? Here, in streaming* London's central roar. Let the sound of those he wrought for, 10 And the feet of those he fought for, Echo round his bones for evermore. Ill Lead out the pageant: sad and slow, As fits an universal woe> Let the long long procession go, !- And let the sorrowing crowd about it grow, And let the mournful martial music blow; The last great Englishman is low. IV Mourn, for to us he seems the last, Remembering all his greatness in the Past 20 180