D. H. LAWRENCE MAN AND BAT •f IT 7 HEN I went into my room, at mid-morning, ^ Say ten o'clock...... My room, a crash-box over that great stone rattle The Via de' Bardi......... When I went into my room at mid-morning, 5 Why?.........a bird! A bird Flying round the room in insane circles. In insane circles! .........A bat! 10 A disgusting bat At mid-morning!......... Out! Go out! Round and round and round With a twitchy, nervous, intolerable flight, je And a neurasthenic lunge, And an impure, frenzy; A bat, big as a swallow. Out, out of my room ! The Venetian shutters I push wide ao To the free, calm upper air; Loop back the curtains............ 347